Friday, February 14, 2014

عدم برداشت کا کلچر اور پاکستان

عدم برداشت کا کلچر اور پاکستان

مجھے تو یہ اعتراف کرنا ہی ہوگا کہ بحیثیت قوم ہمارے مزاج اور ہماری سوچ میں ابھی تک جمہوریت نہیں بسی۔ گھر میں اپنے والدین، بیوی بچوں اور دوستوں کا سلسلہ ہو یا دفتر ، کاروبار میں کام، ہم سےمعمولی سا اختلاف برداشت نہیں ہوتا ۔ 
تاریخی اعتبار سے ہند و پاک کے رہنے والے مختلف مذہبوں کے ماننے والے تھے، مختلف نسلوں اور قبایل سے تعلق رکھتے تھے۔ اسی طرح ان کا رہن سہن اور رسوم و رواج بھی جدا تھے ۔ وہ کبھی بھی مل جل کر، کامل یکسویی کے ساتھ ایک دوسرے کو قبول نہ کرسکے۔ اس پر مستزاد یہ کہ ان کے حاکموں نے بھی انہیں جدا رکھنے اور ان میں تقسیم کا بیج بوے رکھنے کو غنیمت سمجھا اور اپنے مفادات کے حصول کے واسطے لازم خیال کیا۔
شاید یہ ایک دوسرے سے جدا ہونے اور اپنے تشخص کو برقرار رکھنے کی شدید خواہش ہے جو اپنے آپ کو درست ، پاک، پوتر اور دوسرے کو غلط سمجھنے پر مصر رہتی ہے۔ اگر پاکستان میں موجود ذات ،برادریوں اور قبایل کی فہرست بنایی جاے توعلم ہوگا کہ شاید اتنی متنوع جینیاتی مواد رکھنے والی قوم دنیا میں کویی نہیں۔ غور کریں کہ شمال، شمال مغرب سے آنے والے تمام فاتحین ، حملہ آور اپنے ساتھ قسم قسم کی انداز معاشرت، انداز حکمرانی اور سوچ و کردار کا انداز لے کر یہاں وارد ہوے اور یہاں بس رہے۔ہر آنے والا خود کو بہتر اور مقامیوں کو کمتر جانتا رہا اور ان کا تمسخر اڑاتا رہا۔ مقام افسوس ہے کہ بعض برادریوں میں ابھی تک یہ سلسلہ جاری ہے۔
دوسروں کے مذہبی، نسلی، لسانی اور تہذیبی اطوار کو یکسر غلط ماننا اور ان کی تضحیک کرنے کا یہ انداز کچھ اس طرح ہمارے ڈی این اے تک میں سرایت کرگیا ہے کہ اسے ختم کرنا شاید بہت مشکل ہوگا۔

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chacha Bali and group

Uncle Iqbal of Karachi brought a group of 200 plus people to Karbala.
I had an oppertunity to witness the azadari of this group. I stayed in their hotel at Kazmain, Karbala.
There were people from all over the Pakistan. People from Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Karachi, Dubai, Qatar, and other places. 
The group arrived from Pakistan via Iran. 200 plus men of every age group had made a great impact of Pakistan azadars on Iraqi people. I saw them kissing, bowing, saluting to these Pakistani azadars. It was a wonderful site.

I was with the group at following places.
Procession at Kazmain
Procession of Jhoola at Karbala
To commemorate the killing of little prince Hazrat Ali Asghar
Procession of Ali Akbar
Procession of Mehndi
Procession of Alam 
Zanjeer Procession 
at Imam Hussain Shrine and Ghazi Abbas Shrine.
May Allah accept their azadari. Amen

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Between two Harams (Bain ul Haramain)

Between Tomb of Imam Hussain , his companions and tomb of Hazrat Abbas lies a kilometre long corridor which is called Bain ul Haramain.
This is hub of all the mourning activities performed at Karbala. All the mourning processions pass from here to go to both tombs.
Historically it is place of battle. Now two way sheds are built for visitors all along the corridor. During first ten days of Moharram and later too, it serves as resting place. Date trees are also planted around the passage, giving it a beautiful view.
On the western side of corridor there is a verandah where mourners can take a nap.
There are specific a'maals which are performed at this place on 10th of Moharram. A number of books explain the procedure and text of prayers which are to be said here.
One can stand between the Haramain and can visualize the battle of Karbala and great sacrifice of Imam and his companions.

Hospitality at Karbala

It is true that during ten days of Moharram , no one sleeps hungry and thirsty at night, in Karbala. This year more than 10 million people arrived there.
Muslims from all over the world flocked there to pay homage to Imam and His followers.
At dawn when mourners awake and leave for prayer , they find Iraqi people waiting for them with hot cups of Qahwa, milk glasses and bread pieces in every street.This practice continues throughout the day.
On every road, at every corner of the street, people present food and water to the mourners. Some times they beg to the guests to have at least a single bite.
There are some big camps which have arranged lunch boxes and dinner plates for everybody on the roads. People of Karbala believe that it is a sacred duty to serve the guests of Imam.

On the day of Aashura, Iraqi and outsiders make a huge gathering but i saw no one worried for food. It was different from Hajj, where people face difficulties in this matter. For Sure i believe that Iraqi people are more hospitable than Saudi's.

Iraqi Angels

On First Day every mourner who arrives at Karbala is mesmerized by the sorrow and pain, which showers from blue everywhere. Faces, moods, dresses and general behaviour of residents is sad.

The environment is spellbound. People from everywhere of the world keep pouring in 24 hours. Hotels are packed. So are streets and roads.

A newcomer is always impressed by the display of grief and sorrow. But the sight of little angels dressed in black and green mourning dresses is just striking. One cannot overcome feelings and bursts into tears.

I saw children of age one year to twelve , protesting, mourning, chanting slogans and clinging to their elders after a tiresome Ma'tam. Most of them remained loyally with their Moka'bs ( processions) , which used to take two three hours, walking around tombs of Imam Hussain and Ghazi Abbas.